Creating Video for Vodcasts
Goal: To provide a hands-on experience to shoot video and edit video using various vodcast-creation tools. Support is provided throughout the workshop during the development process.
I. Quick overview of vodcasting and equipment options (15 minutes)
II. Shoot video using an inexpensive pocket video camcorder (Flip Mino) (30 min) 
Shooting Interviews
For a better understanding of how to conduct and shoot interviews follow the links below. You can either stay with this website beginning at the Intro page (first link) or click on the other links for specific information.
Introduction and Preparation
Interview Structure
Framing Interview Shots
Composing Interview Shots
Interview Technique
This site contains excellent suggestions for conducting interviews. Be sure to follow through to the other pages as well. It’s a quick read!
Shot Types
III. Upload video from camcorder to a PC (30 min)
- Distinguish between various file formats
- Quick Review of provided software for Flip cameras
- Import files to Windows Movie Maker - Get Started with Windows Movie Maker
- If not using Flip camera, follow directions here: Download movies from your camera to your computer
- Overview of various features of the provided software - Creating and Sharing Great Movies
- Watch the video now to see how easy these features are to use. Watching the video requires that you have Windows Media Player.
IV. Edit video using provided camcorder software or Windows Movie Maker (45 min)
- Cut out sections and crop the ends of video
- Add photos, music and voiceover narration to video timeline
- Add transitions & titles and credits
- Combine video clips together into one video using transitions and special effects and special effects
Finding Images
FREE, big images! You must create an account (its free and fast) to access the 'All Sizes' button. Click on the 'All Sizes' button to gain access to the largest image possible. The larger the image the better it will look in your video project! Make sure you check for a Creative Commons license.
Finding Music
PodSafe Audio: This site aims to provide a location where musicians can upload music under the Creative Commons license for use in Podcasts, Mashups, Shoutcasts, Webcasts and every other kind of 'casting' that exists on the 'net. Click here for Quick Music.
V. Export video in different file formats (10 min)
- For Windows Media Player - Save to Computer
- For online video sharing sites (Flickr, YouTube, Vimeo)
- For CD, DVD or TV (Save back to Camera).
- For Email distribution
VI. Convert video to various formats using Media Converter (10min)
Media Converter is a free file converter which supports many file types. It has also an integrated video downloader to download and convert videos from Youtube and other video sharing sites. The maximum file size for all conversions is 100mb. If you need to convert larger files up to 500mb you should sign up for the premium service. Use this to convert Windows Media Video (wmv) files to mp4 for your iPod or iTunes U or 3gp for your cell phone.
AVS Video Tools: 4 in 1 for $39.95
4 video tools in 1 kit: convert video, edit, transfer & burn
VII. Vodcasting resources and readings (10 minutes)
VIII. Copyright for podcasting (10 minutes)
IX. Edit video using free online video editing site (JayCut) (20 min - If time permits)
- Combine clips to create video
- Add music
- Try out MixIt features
- JayCut
Thanks for coming! If you have any questions as you work on your vodcasts, feel free to send me an email. I'm alisa.cooper@smcmail (you know the rest). Please fill out the workshop evaluation survey and if you are applying for FPG, click here to complete the assessment .
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