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ENG102 Online: Freshman Composition



Section 1: Papers

  • Paper 1: Defining the Issue (2 pages)- 75
  • Paper 2: Position Statement, 1 argument and 1 opposing view (2 pages) - 75
  • Paper 3: Defining the Problem (2 pages)- 75
  • Paper 4: Proposing Solutions paper, 4 arguments (2-3 pages)- 75
  • Final Paper: Argumentative Research Paper (Position or Proposal) - 200
  • TOTAL POINTS = 500


Section 2: Assignments


  • Ass. #1: Summary of two articles- 30
  • Ass. #2: Preliminary Research Webpages/post to MyWeb- 30
  • Ass. #3: Evaluating Sources Webpages (1 page)- 30
  • Ass. #4: Odyssey #1 (formerly O#5) emphasis on paraphrasing - 30
  • Ass. #5: Odyssey #2(books) emphasis on paraphrasing - 30
  • Ass. #6: Odyssey #3(periodicals) emphasis on paraphrasing & quoting - 30
  • Ass. #7: Primary Research Assignment (Survey or Interview)- 30
  • Ass. #8: Summary of two articles - 30
  • Ass. #9: Odyssey #4 (scholarly journals) - 30
  • Ass. #10: Odyssey #5 (Reference books) emphasis on locating statistics- 30
  • TOTAL POINTS = 300


Section 3: Discussions

  • Discussion 1: Issues with Personal Freedoms- 20

Choose one issue that we face today with personal freedoms and explain

the issue as you see it.

  • Discussion 2: Positions on the Issues- 20
  • Discussion 3: Arguing the Position & Opposing Views - 20
  • Discussion 4: Problems with Personal Freedoms- 20
  • Discussion 5: Solutions to the Problem- 20
  • TOTAL POINTS = 100


Section 4: Quizzes/Final Exam

  • 6 Quizzes - Take the best 5 - 100
  • 1 Final Exam- 100
  • TOTAL POINTS = 100



Section 4: Units

Unit I: (4 weeks - 235pts)

  • Discussion 1: Issues with Personal Freedoms- 20
  • Ass. #1: Summary of two articles- 30
  • Ass. #2: Preliminary Research Webpages/post to MyWeb- 30
  • Ass. #3: Odyssey #1 (formerly O#5) emphasis on paraphrasing - 30
  • Ass. #4: Evaluating Sources Webpages (1 page)- 30
  • Paper 1: Defining the Issue (1 page)- 75
  • Quiz 1: Unit 1 Quiz - 20


Unit II: (3 weeks - 195pts)

  • Discussion 2: Positions on the Issues- 20
  • Ass. #5: Odyssey #2(books) emphasis on paraphrasing - 30
  • Ass. #6: Odyssey #3(periodicals) emphasis on paraphrasing & quoting - 30
  • Discussion 3: Arguing the Position & Opposing Views - 20
  • Paper 2: Position Statement, 1 argument and 1 opposing view - 75
  • Quiz 2: Unit 2 Quiz - 20


Unit III: (3 weeks - 205pts)

  • Discussion 4: Problems with Personal Freedoms- 20
  • Ass. #7: Primary Research Assignment (Survey or Interview)- 30
  • Ass. #8: Summary of two articles - 30
  • Ass. #9: Odyssey #4 (scholarly journals) - 30
  • Paper 3: Defining the Problem (2 pages)- 75
  • Quiz 3: Unit 3 Quiz - 20


Unit IV: (3 weeks - 145pts)

  • Discussion 5: Solutions to the Problem - 20
  • Ass. #10: Odyssey #5 (Reference books) emphasis on locating statistics- 30
  • Paper 4: Proposing Solutions paper (2-3 pages)- 75
  • Quiz 4: Unit 4 Quiz - 20


Unit V: (1 week - 220 pts)

  • Final Paper: Argumentative Research Paper (Position or Proposal) - 200
  • Quiz 5: Unit 5 Quiz - 20


Technology Ideas

Create a virtual associate professor - use avatar, text-to-speech, podcasting personality, videos



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