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Page history last edited by Alisa Cooper 16 years, 5 months ago

Banned Books, Movies & Censorship




Course Summary

Welcome to the ACC430 wiki. The principles of corporate taxation are a difficult topic to master in preparation for public certification. In this summary I will outline my online resources, homework assignments, and general University information.


Our Proposal



ENH295   20016-99999 Banned Books and Censorship
1. Explain the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution as it relates to literature and other printed materials. (I)
2. Identify and explain factors that motivate people and organizations to challenge and/or ban books. (I)
3. Identify and describe the effects of censorship on readers, writers, publishers, educators, and librarians. (I)
4. Explain and exemplify uses of censorship by a dominant culture to suppress minority voices. (II)
5. Read and analyze examples of banned or challenged literature dealing with issues of gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, religion, and political perspective. (II, III)
6. Analyze and present results of independent reading of a text chosen from the American Library Association's list of Most Challenged Books, 1990-2000. (II, III)
7. Work as part of a team to compose arguments for and against banning or challenging a selected text with a controversial history. (IV)
8. Articulate a personal position on the issue of censorship of printed materials, and identify national organizations that promote or oppose censorship. (IV)
THE205   19956-99999 Introduction to Cinema
1. Describe the functions and artistic responsibilities of each of the major members of a film crew. (I)
2. Describe and apply principles of aesthetics used in the critical analysis of a film. (I)
3. Identify the technical elements of a film, and explain how those elements are used to stimulate different emotional responses from the audience and to illuminate the lives of characters in film. (I)
4. Describe how the movies reflect and interpret major events in twentieth-century history. (II, III, IV, V, VI)
5. Identify the names and major works of significant filmmakers from the beginning of motion pictures through the present. (II, III, IV, V, VI)
6. Describe the characteristics and representative examples of major genre films, such as horror, gangster, musical, western, and science fiction. (II, III, IV, V, VI)
7. Analyze several significant films to explain the techniques the filmmakers used to express their ideas and values. (II, III, IV, V, VI)

ENG101  20056-99999

First-Year Composition




Analyze specific rhetorical contexts, including circumstance, purpose, topic, audience, and writer, as well as the writing's ethical, political, and cultural implications. (I, III)


Organize writing to support a central idea through unity, coherence, and logical development appropriate to a specific writing context. (II, IV)


Use appropriate conventions in writing, including consistent voice, tone, diction, grammar, and mechanics. (I, IV)


Summarize, paraphrase and quote from sources to maintain academic integrity and to develop and support one's own ideas. (III, IV)


Use feedback obtained from peer review, instructor comments and/or other resources to revise writing. (II)


Assess one's own writing strengths and identify strategies for improvement through instructor conference, portfolio review, written evaluation, and/or other methods. (II, III)


Generate, format, and edit writing using appropriate technologies. (II, IV)


Outside Resources

CCH Tax Research Network

U.S. Collection Agency


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