How to Teach in an Online Environment, Part 1
Sep 30 2009 - 1:00-4:30pm
Glendale Community College, HT2-149
- Quality Matters Rubric Overview (20 min) - The workshop will begin with a brief overview of the Quality Matters rubric and the process for course review in the district.
- Developing goals, objectives, and assessment for online courses (90 min)
- This part of the workshop will illustrate the differences between a traditional approach to course development and a model-driven approach, taking course topics, text, or other materials that they are currently or plan to use as they design a new online course in order to apply workshop strategies to their own online course analysis.
- In this context, the workshop will focus on how to best articulate goals and objectives of a course. In doing so, create an appropriate assessment that aligns with the goals and objectives of the course such as: Determine tasks, activities, measuring success, and properly aligning with outcomes
- Instructional Design Strategies for Online Courses (90 min)
- Once participants have identified and articulated goals and objectives, the next step is to use some specific design strategies that may be employed in the online course design process such as:
- Mapping the course: How to organize the design process for the redesign team and the faculty member
- Starting with what you’re given: Evaluating, redesigning, and using objectives
- Chunking the course: Making redesign manageable and forming modules
- Bloom’s Taxonomy: How learning technologies enhance an online course
Assessment (10 min)
Quality Matters Rubric Overview (20 min)
Developing goals, objectives, and assessment for online courses (90 min)
Instructional Design Strategies for Online Courses (90 min)
Assessment (10 min)
· Write a brief description of what Quality Matters is and how we use it in the Maricopa district.
· Write a goal, several objectives and an assessment for a module in an online or hybrid course.
· Participants will create a map of the remaining modules for an online course using the general course objectives.
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