
Using Web2.0 to Harness Collective Intelligence and Build Community Among Students


This wiki space is a work in progress. It is a presentation for this year's Tech Ed Conference in Ontario, California, March 25-28, 2007. Read My Proposal. I will be co-presenting with Amy MacPherson. Wiki Address: http://drcoop.pbwiki.com/WebTwoPointO

Presentation Handouts: Web2.0.mht Web2.0.pdf




Web 2.0 

Web 2.0 is a term referring to the ongoing transition to a full participatory Web, with participation including both humans and machines. Michael Wesch, Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology at Kansas State University created this video to explain Web 2.0.

The Machine is Us/ing Us

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Harness Collective Intelligence

"The principle behind collective intelligence is that a conclusion reached in collaboration with and from competition among multiple individuals will be more intelligent than any conclusion reached by an individual, no matter how smart" (by msaleem on December 10, 2006).


Building Community with Web 2.0

Blogger David King stated that a big chunk of web 2.0 has to do with different forms of participation. You can see this in the large, popular, user-created-content sites like myspace, flickr, or youtube - those sites depend on participation (i.e., content creators freely give away their creations) for their very survival. He also believes that Web 2.0 is all about starting conversations, building community, and telling our stories. "'Online community' is the concept of convening people in virtual space and describes a range of online activities including electronic collaboration, virtual networks, Web-based discussions or electronic mailing lists"(Victoria Bernal, Community Building Associate, Benton Foundation).


Web 2.0 Tools


A frequent, chronological publication of personal thoughts and Web links. Blogger David King created a song & video last year that sums up all that Web 2.0 is.  It's a fun look at some of the Web 2.0 tools users around the internet are using to harness collective intelligence and build community. Check it out.

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RSS & Feed Readers

RSS is a family of web feed formats, specified in XML and used for Web syndication. RSS is used by (among other things) news websites, weblogs and podcasting. We use feed readers to subscribe to RSS feeds.




Wikis are free, online writing spaces. Wikis use simple formatting rules, so you don't need to understand HTML or an HTML authoring tools, such as Microsoft FrontPage or Dreamweaver to contribute. For some, wikis convey a highly collaborative view of composing and creativity. People who contribute to a wiki need to understand that their words may be deleted and changed by others. Wiki authors do not claim ownership of a text (WritingWiki.org).



Start Pages

Richard MacManus describes start pages as homepages for Web information, gadgets and widgets. The difference from old-style web portals are: the user can personalize them much more (with RSS, inline email, etc), the content is more interactive and potentially much more useful (i.e. gadgets, widgets), they can be collaborative, and there is Ajax pixie dust to make it more of a desktop-like experience.



Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking is the practice of saving bookmarks to a public Web site and “tagging” them with keywords. Bookmarking, on the other hand, is the practice of saving the address of a Web site you wish to visit in the future on your computer. To create a collection of social bookmarks, you register with a social bookmarking site, which lets you store bookmarks, add tags of your choice, and designate individual bookmarks as public or private. Some sites periodically verify that bookmarks still work, notifying users when a URL no longer functions. Visitors to social bookmarking sites can search for resources by keyword, person, or popularity and see the public bookmarks, tags, and classification schemes that registered users have created and saved (Educause).



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