
Working with a Wiki

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on March 24, 2006 at 8:28:01 am

How to Quickly Wiki with PBWiki by AlanLevine


How to Quickly Wiki with PBWiki

  • Logging In To Edit
  • Creating a Wiki Page
  • Entering Content
  • Listing Your Page on the Sidebar


This overview is meant to give you enough information on how to set up your own wiki page in this site to take notes and publish them on the site.


Logging In To Edit


The PBwiki site that hosts this allowed us to create a web site that anyone in the internet can view, but to have access to the editing tools, you must provide a password. From any of the wiki pages you can click the Log In To Edit button. You can then enter your name (this is how page changes will be credited, you can simply use your first name and last initial), an e-mail if you want to be notified when the site is changed, and the special password (this will be provided at the workshop).


Once logged in, the Edit This Page button is enabled on the site.


Creating a Wiki Page


A wiki page or URl can be created in several ways, but they are always named by pushing together two capitalized words (look at the URL for the page listed below-- it ends in HowTo), what is called a Wiki Word. If you use a wiki word on any page, it automatically becomes a link to that URL, as shown in the next paragraph.



For this workshop, we haved create a link for your very own wiki page. You link is listed on the SideBar. For example, AlanLevine is a wiki word, that leads to Alan's sample page. Or if Alan and I were working together, we might have AlisaAlan. A wiki word that appears in red and underlined is a page that does not yet exist.


Entering Content


Everything you type in the editing field becomes part of your wiki page content. There is a WikiStyle link on the editing screen that will list a brief summary of the various wiki tags for formatting, but for now, we suggest you just keep it simple and type in the box.


A blank line creates a paragraph break. Putting a ! or !! or !!! in front of a line will create a heading. Any URL typed in will automatically become a hyperlink. See how I started my page:


We are asking you and/or your partner just to jot your notes and ideas down in this wiki as you explore the sites we have provided for you.


To publish your page, just click the Update button.


Listing Pages on the Sidebar


Another nice feature of PBWiki is the ability to put comment content on the sidebar that appears in the top right corner of every wiki page. We have created a navigation series of links for this workshop, and at the bottom, we have created a list of links to all the participant pages created in this workshop.

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